Cycle training is vital to everyone’s confidence and competence when cycling on the road. Throughout 2021, the Bikeability Trust continued to work with cycling, government and sporting organisations to promote the benefits of Bikeability and active travel. This included:
• Contributing to a cycling collaboratorium with Sport England, Cycling UK, Bicycle Association, Love to Ride and British Cycling
• Continuing to work closely with fellow active travel organisations Cycling UK, Sustrans, Living Streets, British Cycling and Ramblers
• Attending and presenting at the Modeshift annual conference
• Delivering webinars in partnership with Love to Ride, sharing the basics of cycling and top tips for cycling during winter
• Contributing to Beryl Bikes’ Women Leading in Mobility webinar as part of International Women’s Day
• Continuing work with an Erasmus+ funded project called Safe4Cycle2 across Hungary, Romania and Slovenia to create interactive training videos and workbooks for children, and online content for trainers
• Being featured in Cycling UK’s 100 Women in Cycling with representatives from Bikeability cycle instructors and Trust staff
• Recruiting participants for the Cycle Savvy Driving pilot study
• Welcoming MPs across the country to visit Bikeability cycle training sessions
• Attending the Access Sport dinner with BMX Olympians Charlotte Worthington and Kye Whyte

Bikeability on the small screen
Linda Robson, Loose Women’s favourite Nannie, couldn’t ride a bicycle. Like many adults, she’d simply never learnt, but at the age of 63, things were about to change. Bikeability came to the rescue!
Loose Women challenged one of our fantastic cycle instructors Benjamin to teach Linda how to pedal – then show off her new skills live on air! Was it an impossible challenge? Not with the skills of Bikeability.
In a local park, Benjamin helped Linda conquer her fears and begin her cycling journey. First was balance; Benjamin removed the bike’s pedals and helped Linda scoot across the park. The secret to cycling as an adult is confidence. Benjamin calmly listened to Linda’s fears and helped her to keep trying. Once Linda felt more confident, it was time to start pedalling. Just 30 minutes later, Linda was pedalling all by herself – incredible! There was just one challenge left; to cycle into the studio live on air. Linda pedalled down the narrow corridor with ease, much to the delight of her fellow Loose Women.

Case study: The Highway Code
In the lead up to the changes to The Highway Code in early 2022, The Bikeability Trust was a core partner in the consulation process. We were able to apply our expertise from the National Standards for Cycle Training to support all transport in The Highway Code.
“The changes to the Highway Code encouraged all road users to share the space, whilst protecting the most vulnerable. Our influence within the working group ensured that changes to the Highway Code reflected the National Standards.
We already teach children to choose the most appropriate position in the road. Primary position gives the rider control and increases visibility. The Highway Code now reflects this.”
Benjamin Smith, Development Director
To support our industry, we created and updated the following
- Delivery guides
- The Highway Code Addendum
- A “one pager” explanation for industry

Demonstrating our impact
The Bikeability Trust contributed to The Physical Health of Children and Young People report, presented to the government by the Children’s Alliance. The report asserted the aspiration for: “Cycling to be a statutory national curriculum requirement; in practice ensuring that all children achieve Level 2 Bikeability by the end of primary school.”
In addition, the report emphasised the existing research proving the positive impact of Bikeability on the confidence levels of parents and children and children’s safe cycling skills. Finally, it noted the importance of cycle training when “ensuring that the current generation of children are well-equipped to pursue cycling as a lifelong habit will better enable their successors to adopt similar habits.”